The Youth For Freedom Collective is a youth-created, youth-led and youth-focused anti-modern slavery collective.
We are bringing together like-minded youth who are passionate about tackling modern slavery and intersectional issues.
As youth within the anti-slavery movement, we spend much of our time with organisations, policymakers, experts, academics, writers and educators, learning from the best minds in the world on these issues. We continue to travel deep into the anti-slavery movement, always learning at speed.
Most importantly we want to bridge the gap between youth and the anti-modern slavery movement; to understand what role we play and support. This collective is our space to network, learn together, exchange ideas, develop solutions, and more.
We are a platform to encourage comprehensive, concrete and efficient action through promoting the meaningful participation and engagement of youth in anti-slavery efforts.

Our Mission
Our core aims are raising awareness, collaboration between stakeholders, driving action, promoting meaningful youth inclusion, accountability and recognising intersectionalities.
As more youth enter this movement, it is crucial that we have an awareness and sensitivity to the issue, its systemic-nature, and the long history that underpins the movement.
By bringing together youth in all our diversity, we will offer multiple perspectives on the movement, allowing youth to challenge their own thinking, deepening their understanding of modern slavery.
This will enable us to navigate through the complexities of the movement, to critically think and formulate our own solutions and to encourage all stakeholders to collaborate – youth, civil society, private/public sectors and governments – so that we can facilitate action.
We would like to acknowledge the continuous support and extend our gratitude to our Co-Founders: Stolen Dreams, Anti-Slavery International, and The Anti-Slavery Collective.