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Alarmingly, survivors of modern slavery and trafficking are being detained in prison-like settings around the world. Their offense? Breaching immigration rules, often as a result of their exploitation.

In countries such as the U.K., U.S. and Australia,1 there’s not even a time limit on how long a survivor a can be held in immigration detention causing “immeasurable and unnecessary harm.2

We’re urging governments to stop detaining survivors for not having secure immigration status, and meet international standards designed to protect survivors from further trauma and revictimization.

Click here to support and take action with Freedom United.

Child slavery and child labor have plagued the cocoa industry in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana —which produce 60% of the world’s cocoa—for decades. Despite promises from the world’s largest chocolate companies to eradicate the problem, evidence reveals that they have fallen far short of achieving their goal. 1

We are calling on 10 of the world’s top chocolate companies to take concrete steps to address the gaps in protection and the underlying drivers of child slavery and child labor in the cocoa sector. 

Click here to support and take action with Freedom United.

Join Freedom United’s movement. Click here to check out and engage with their global campaigns!

Support Anti-Slavery International, by checking out their campaigns. You can take action with them by clicking here.